elevator Modernization Company

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Modernization and Upgradation

As times change, lifestyles change. Tall buildings with 2 to 3 bedroom apartments have replaced old type of houses. Noisy and crowded market places have been replaced by air conditioned shopping malls. Staircases are complemented by elevators in almost every newly constructed building. These signs of modernization cannot be ignored. With new technology and developments, there is a continuous urge to change and modify existing systems, and elevators are no exceptions.
Technology always introduces additional comfort, convenience or style. Falcon offers replacement benefits at the time of reconstruction, renovation, in case of construction of additional floors or after several years when there is tremendous wear and tear.

Elevator Modernization services by Falcon

Replacing the old electrical control system by the state of the art Microprocessor Controller Falcon. It reduces breakdown to a great extent.

Replacing elevator doors for assuring safety and adding better overall appearance.

Installing high quality serial and parallel inverters to increase travel comfort and reduce energy cost.

Replacing the operation panel improves the looks of the elevator and building, which gives it a modern look.

Replacing the cabin gives the Elevator a modern look.

 elevator Modernization Company